+49 179 9284598
Bei unseren Massage Tätigkeiten geht es vor allem darum, mit individuellen Lösungen für Ihr persönliches Wohlbefinden zu sorgen.
2022 SI PRESSIONE | Unterstützt von
Angefangen zu massieren habe ich schon in dem SPA meiner Mutter in Taormina auf Sizilien. Ich massierte aus Leidenschaft und war fasziniert von der Anatomie des Menschen.
Wir kommen zu Ihnen. Egal ob nach Hause, ins Büro, auf Events oder als Gutschein
SPORTS MASSAGEWith the aim of relieving deep-seated muscle tension, loosening muscle adhesions and supplying the muscle tissue with oxygen, the sports massage is not only suitable for athletes but also for working people who have various forms of physical complaints due to daily incorrect posture and sitting positions or physical exertion . Good muscles are important for your well-being.Joint and muscle mobilizationincrease in oxygen supplyrelaxation of muscle tensionLoosening of muscle adhesions
ANTI-STRESS MASSAGEThe anti-stress massage is aimed at the areas of the human body that are most frequently affected by problems these days: the head, neck and shoulders. Special grips, stretches and pressure point massages ensure deep relaxation.It serves to mobilize the cervical spine and gives you the feeling of liberation and new body awareness.The massage is particularly recommended forsleep disordersdizziness
Relax with a traditional Thai massage! This dynamic and powerful type of massage treats the energy lines and important acupressure points. In this way, tension is released, the metabolism and circulation are stimulated and life energies can flow freely through the body again.
The therapeutic massage serves to mechanically influence the skin, connective tissue and muscles through stretching, pulling and pressure stimuli. The effect of the massage extends from the treated part of the body to the entire organism and also includes the psyche.
Personal training, individual training planning, nutritional advice and coaching. Arrange a free initial consultation now and get started.
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Unter meinen Dienstleistungen finden Sie die Möglichkeit, Ihre Massage über meine Website zu buchen, das gewünschte Datum und die bevorzugte Uhrzeit auszuwählen und Ihre Privatadresse anzugeben. Sie erhalten von mir eine Bestätigung.
+39 345 537 2168
+49 179 9284598